Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Cotyledon Orbiculata "Grey Ghost" Succulent

Today, first day of Winter! and I received my 10 cuttings of Grey Ghost.
So excited about them, they are Grey Ghost succulents.
They have a kind of "powder" covering the leaves which give them grey-ish look.

Not sure where to plant them yet.  I ordered 10 cuttings and received 12, not complaining!

Might put 1 little cutting on my cute Tortoise Planter {smile}.


Sunday, May 29, 2016

2016 New House New Plants...and LOTS of Them! - EDIBLE PLANTS

Edible and Ornamental Plants.

Some of them are gifts from my Sister-In-Law
who also loves succulents.

Because of her, now I love succulents too!

At the backyard we have:


Left: Galangal.  Right: Ginger

Papaya tree






Lemon Myrtle
Native Australian edible plant (bush food)
smells amazing just like lemongrass


Mint, Basil, Coriander

Spring Onions, Choy Sums, Celery

Sweet Basil
lots of them

Curry Leaves

Curry Plants
not sure how to use them,
never even heard of them before,
smells like curry :D

Bay Leave

Kaffir Lime

White Garlic
I think they will be dead soon :(

Purple Garlic

2016 New House New Plants...and LOTS of Them! - ORNAMENTAL PLANTS

Now this section will be dedicated for ORNAMENTAL Plants.

I have "baby" Hydrangea Arborescens "Annabelle".

They look very "sad" at the moment.
Pretty sure it is because of the soil and weather,
it's almost winter now where all leaves will fall off (soon).

White Tulips - store bought.

so pretty {heart}

from bulbs but after so long they are still not grown yet
I guess they are dead! We'll see!

from lots of bulbs, only ONE that is growing
what went wrong?  I have no idea.

we have two yuccas

Silver Dollar tree

we have a few

Purple/Dark burgundy Cordyline

JUST Succulents!!

Crassula Obliqua

I got them as a gift from my SIL.
Once bunch still in a pot, hard to remove.
Pretty succulents.
This is where I start my succulent collections.

These are from my SIL too.
The leaves are a bit ruffly.
Pretty {smile}

Kalanchoe Luciae 'Flapjack'
Bought them off GumTree from a private grower.
I knew them from my SIL who happened to sell some of her plants during the weekend.
I haven't got what I bought from my SIL yet, I will have more of these type.
Looking forward!

Aeonium Arboreum 'Zwartkop'
Same as Flapjack, I got them from the same seller.
Also the same story how I know them,
from my SIL (again) {smile}
I will have more once I received the one I bought from my SIL.
Looking forward!

I don't know the name yet.
Got this and the "babies" underneath (about 10 of them)
from the same private grower too.

The ground cover
Also got this from the same private grower,
only because she didn't have change {laugh}.

Now some store bought succulents

Over the weekend I have ordered some,
can't wait to receive them next week.

Will put an update on their names (above) and more photos.

At the moment, I am happy to be able to blogging again!

Have a great day or night, wherever you are {heart}


Update ... very late post

Chili Flowers 4.Dec.2010

Chili 18.Dec.2010

Chili 27.Jan.2011

English Dwarf Lavender 1.Nov.2010

English Dwarf Lavender 1.Nov.2010

English Dwarf Lavender 18.Dec.2010
after it has been tipped out by my almost 2 year old son,
it looked like the above, tried to "revive" them
but failed...it died.

English Spinach 13.Jul.2010

English Spinach 13.Jul.2010

Spring Onion 1.Nov.2010

Thyme and Continental Parsley 1.Nov.2010

It has been almost 6 years ago today, I don't remember what happened with them.

They were grown in one of our old house.